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7 Tips For Staying Passionate About Your Work

7 Tips For Staying Passionate About Your Work

There is a gigantic difference between doing work that you’re passionate about and doing work that bores you. The experiences are night and day. Time passes a little faster when we’re enjoying what we’re doing, and we’re more creative and productive, too. Passion...
The four rules for decision-making

The four rules for decision-making

What is decision-making? We make decisions every single day. These decisions range from the small and seemingly insignificant – what should I have for breakfast? – to potentially life-changing – should I stay and work on my relationship or should we break up? How to...
Want to build a gold-standard team?

Want to build a gold-standard team?

Want to build a gold-standard team? Many military veterans have all the qualities that you want to hire for     In business, there are the decisions that guide your company’s future, and then there are other decisions that absolutely define your destiny....
The #1 sales script that gives your clients certainty

The #1 sales script that gives your clients certainty

The #1 sales script that gives your clients certainty How closing The Certainty Gap can help you land more deals This article was written for the Tony Robbins blog by guest contributor Oren Klaff, and is inspired by content contained in his new book, Flip the Script:...