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…  allow me to share a passage of Price Pritchett’s You Squared: A High Velocity Formula for Multiplying Your Personal Effectiveness in Quantum Leaps, entitled, “Open your Gifts.”

You Squared is a short, simple, yet powerful book I give to all my clients, because the truth of its contents can be very impactful on the direction of one’s career or business. I highly recommend everyone get a copy—actually two or three copies, so they can give it to others who will likewise benefit. There’s always another level to be had, always another “gift” to be opened on the path to more fully realizing our potential.

“You have many gifts that you’ve never opened. These are gifts of talent, ability, and ‘reach’ that are yours for the taking.

The people we call gifted are different from the crowd in one very special way. They accepted their gifts. They ‘let it happen.’The high achievers, the persons you admire, are those individuals who opened their gifts. These winners have more gifts because they claimed them, took them out of the wrapping, and used them.

Now it’s time for you to do something with your gifts. Claim them, and you create them. Reach for them, and they materialize. Use them, and they grow to serve you still better.

If you look at those particular skills you have developed over the years, the talents that you have exhibited, you will find they are the gifts you opened and enjoyed. 

But how many others are there within your reach? For every gift you’ve opened over the years, there are hundreds that you’ve never unwrapped and taken out of the package. This unused potential hides there, just waiting to play a role in your quantum leap.

When you make a quantum leap you find out many new things about yourself. [You Squared] is a fascinating experience in self-discovery. A transformation occurs, a metamorphosis. Think of a striped caterpillar humbly crawling along the stem of a milkweed plant a few inches from Mother Earth, changing into a strikingly beautiful monarch butterfly that soars high in the air and bravely journeys thousands of miles in its yearly pilgrimage. To become a monarch, to free those shining auburn wings, to fly high and free, the creature must break out of the cocoon of safety and open its gifts.

Open some more of yours.  Find your wings.”

Price Pritchett, You Squared

Originally Post @   The Lucrative Artist Blog
To  Access your gifts and explore your potential  visit the link below:

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