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Open Your Gifts!

Open Your Gifts!

…  allow me to share a passage of Price Pritchett’s You Squared: A High Velocity Formula for Multiplying Your Personal Effectiveness in Quantum Leaps, entitled, “Open your Gifts.” You Squared is a short, simple, yet powerful book I give to all my clients,...
10 ways to stay focused

10 ways to stay focused

10 ways to stay focused How to eliminate distractions and achieve your goals Posted by: Team Tony   Where focus goes, energy flows. This has been true throughout human history, but we now live in a unique time. Smartphones, social media, selfies and hashtags –...
10 tips for overcoming adversity

10 tips for overcoming adversity

10 tips for overcoming adversity How to build resilience and overcome anything Anyone who has ever achieved something worthwhile has had challenges and setbacks – because anything that is worth doing is going to be difficult. Overcoming adversity is a necessary step...
How Tony Robbins literally saved my life

How Tony Robbins literally saved my life

How Tony Robbins literally saved my life A year ago I was about to commit suicide. Here is my story. And why I am here to help you to be Bold enough to live your life 200%. The Dream life A years before, in 2016,  I was mostly happy.  I had a girlfriend, I had a...